Sunday, September 12, 2004

*Exits Frosh Week in a Daze*

I woke up this morning stepping out of the shower around 1:00 AST and discovered that I had, indeed, lived through frosh week.

There was a spot on my wrist that hadn't seen the light of day for quite some time, shinerama tattoos on my arms. There was a toga lying on the floor of my room, along with ketchup covered clothes, ripped concert tickets and some sweatpants that Edward borrowed. (Must remember to wash those.) My skin was softer than usual (maybe something to do with whipped cream in the face?) And two people were randomly sleeping in my living room. Slowly it came back to me..these were my friends and everything was remenants of FROSH WEEK!

I met so many new people, and remembered maybe half of their names. I grabbed a lot of butts...does that follow sexual harassment guidelines? If it's school sanctioned it does. (Playfair! The coolest invention of all time!) I danced...a lot. Sometimes to keep warm, sometimes to show off how damn cool the OC was, and sometimes because SOMEONE grabbed me and yelled "DANCE, dammit!" I drank some beer...well, one bottle...but still. I wore a toga, I went to house parties held by the ever cool Brian and Amanda, OC "house presidents". I cheered...cheered....cheered. I walked home late at night desperately trying to get cheers out of my head. I saw Finger eleven and left early for Wheel Pizza. I saw the Trews and had my jaw dropped at their awesomeness all night. (Note: if you can, see them live) I got pies to the face, prostituted my shoe shining services for CF.

And i was as excited as everyone when the OC crew won best house and therefore a fooseball table. (But who gets it?) I made friends. I learned about the town, where "Liquor Lane" is, where to get free coffee and where to get free internet. I found out where the grocery store is, how the milk tastes and that sometimes juice smells like....well....if you weren't there I can't say.

All in all it was a good week, and I love STFX.
Now, school



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