Tuesday, September 14, 2004

French, etc.

Today was boring to a level that I can't even begin to describe. My Tuesdays are forever going to be known as "boring day" because I have three boring and/or confusing classes that are separated by breaks long enough to be long, but too short to go home during. (Well, unless I ran...)

My French class is tricky. I can understand about 90-95% of what's being said, but I can't speak french at all like my classmates. They're all like, freaky good. (tres bien?) Follow that with philosophy class in which the teacher will ask: Is this a logically good arguement? to have a student reply: "do we even exist?" and i feel like I've walked into some twilight zone of the ridiculously smart. I'm just going to have to read more...and re-read more.

I have to do laundry somehow today, but I'm really not looking forward to this. It's such a chore. Cleaning up around the apartment is nice, and makes me feel that I've been productive...but laundry is a hassle. Do you think that the dirty homeless look would be good for me? I could fashion some dreds in my hair...it's very chic at University, I hear. (Although I'm sure the 'Nishers would disapprove.)

Also: I've gotten so used to the sound of the dehumidifier at night that I had to go empty it so that I could sleep. Go figure.


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