Wednesday, March 09, 2005

What a Storm!

I do believe that this is God's way of punishing me for joining the Liberal Party.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Best Day EVER!

Today was the funnest day ever! It began with a lovely grapefruit juice and chat with Edward at mini-moes, from which i left feeling refreshed. Then off to the SUB, where there was "Stress Buster day" put on by the counselling centre.

There were tables with fingerpaints, regular paints, play-doh, dogs for petting, toys (woo hula hoop!), stress ball making tables, meditation and yoga was AWESOME. I sat and painted pictures and played play-doh with my friends for an hour. Apparently behaving like a two year old relieves stress because I feel GREAT. The counsellors were all walking around encouraging us to have lots of fun. It was neat.

Then I had some really great classes: Facism in history and Hell in philosophy.
THEN there was a blood donating clinic, and I had a lot of fun there too, even though i didn't give any blood. It was just a laugh.

AND to top off the day, when I got home, Ashley informed me that the counselling centre just called and I won the stress relief gift basket that they were raffling earlier! Best day ever.

If anyone wants anything, call me tonight cause I'm in a stellar mood.

Love, Nat.
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