Thursday, September 16, 2004

My Laptop is Back!

Well, a lot has happened my little friends!

I have gotten a phone, finally. The first three people I called were: Edward (test call...and yes, the phone was functional), George and later on, My Family. Had lovely chats with all of them, etc.

I got my laptop back as well, but posting pictures is far too complicated for my little mind to comprehend at this moment. I'll start as soon as I can on that though.

Last night was society night, which was a fun way to see what clubs are avaliable. was mostly a good way to get tons and tons of free food. My accomplices were embarrased at my constant putting candy in the purse, but later they were the ones benefitting. Psht. Also a source of embarassment to my entourage: when I squealed (??) with excitement over the Strategic Board Games Club. (I didn't JOIN it or anything...geez.)

Anyway, that's it for now.
Agenda for the weekend:
Friday night: Chill Night.
Saturday night: Shaker at non-german BJ's....maybe.


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