Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bits and Bobs

Well, I have a little bit to say about a number of things today, so I'll just get right down to it.

a) I've now had all my classes. Canadian Economic Policy and Problems is the classual (I made that up) equivalent of banging you head on a wall fo 75 minutes, twice a week. So, there's that.

Violence and Conflict in Politics is inherently iteresting, I guess, but our prof (Dr. Grenier) is hilarious, so that just adds to everything. The class is packed (as opposed to the aforementioned Economics with 18 kids)

Philosophy is pretty much the same as last year. Same Prof, Plato again, effing metaphor of the cave.

b) Today we fixed the house. We hooked up the cable, cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, fixed the internet, got the electical fixed....*sigh*
Good Day.

Tonight, Rehab game and later, the Pub. Mmmm, STD goodness.

Love Nat


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