Friday, September 17, 2004

I Am Still Learning (Although Not in Philosophy...)

Well, as you can see, I've learned how to put up pictures, so now you can have a visual aid of what exactly is going on here in Antigonowhere, NS.

I've come to the conclusion as of the time that I'm writing this that my favourite classes are: Economics, History and French.

Economics: Almost soley because of the prof. Accents aside, he's hilarious. He makes little sound effects and hilarious examples for economic theories. He constantly makes ludicrous moral statements to show us that all economic situations are in a context. (We COULD produce more if we started holding guns to the heads of the "leetle bebes" but that's just not going to happen.) And considering the high potential for economics to be boring, I'm quite pleased. Good way to start the day.

History: Again, the prof is awesome. The course gets a little credit here too for being interesting in and of itself. However, this is the only class, believe it or not, where we have open discussions. Today's was awesome...I had fun and it allowed me to talk to some more kids in the class, which I don't get the opportunity to do otherwise. I met some really cool people who love the same things I do. This class will be interesting, I can tell...and it moves along at a good pace.

French: Yeah, I hear you...this is a little out of the blue, I know. French has this position right now where it could either scare the pants off of me or be a really cool and fun challenge. In this class, my teacher, Dr. Mendez is like a mother of sorts to us (or me, anyway) and she makes me feel like I can definitely do alright in the class and so I'm actually excited to have a class where I feel like I'm LEARNING something.

Loser class? Philosophy.

This class makes me laugh hysterically with boredom. (Under my breath, though) But i'm not kidding. I've never...NEVER been in a class that dumbed things down so much that they were made more confusing, but this is one. I sit beside an engineering student and he has a lot of trouble understanding the material. The thing is...we're doing LOGIC right now. Now, assuming this guy knows a thing or two about math...if presented properly, the concept of philosophical logic should be like basic arithmetic for this guy, but it's beyond him. Why? WHY you ask? Because the prof makes everything seem more complicated than it is! AND she keeps screwing up some of her problems and then the poor engineering guy gets all confused again until one of the other kids (probably one who has taken philosophy before) corrects her mistake and then she re-explains. Now I know that people are human and make mistakes...but she has a PhD! Seriously. AND it's the only class where the prof takes attendance so I'm forced to go! GAY!

*phew* rant over. I think I'll go do some French homework now. We're learning about love, of all things. (Ah l'amour! For those kids in Global: we're doing Legende de Tristan at Isauld...get the reference? Think Hohenschwangau)



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