Tuesday, September 21, 2004

On Manners

Well, I would like to take this time to point out some cultural differences between Antigonish and Barrie.

Editor's Note: None of this is exaggerated...I wish it was, but it's not.

Here in Antigonish, people honk their horns...a lot. But, even though it freaks me out a lot, they only do it to say hi to each other. I haven't once heard an angry honk since I got here. There is also the "slow down right in the middle of the road and talk to that pedestrian that you know" tactic employed by some, but that's a little more rare.

Which brings me to pedestrians themselves. We (as you'll rarely find me in a car) have an interesting predicament out here in Antigonish. You see, while most cars etnd to ignore pedestrians at designated crosswalks, the minute you step onto the road where there isn't a painted line, every car that could potentially be in your way will slow down and/or stop for you. Yes, that's right, jaywalkers have the right of way here. Even the cops will stop for jaywalkers...and if they know you they'll probably honk and wave, too. I asked, and apparently it's still illegal to jaywalk here but it seems to be one of those joke rules that no one really pays attention to.

Now...I hear you asking: What if many pedestrians are all using the same path from one room to an other...let's say, for example, a door? Well, now this is an interesting thing out here. It appears that the very social fabric of Antigonish is based on holding the door for others. (I remind you that I am not exaggerating here) If someone goes through a door here, and there is a person in the hall they are exiting who is moving in the general direction of the door, the person in said door must hold the door open for them, regardless of the distance of the other person from the door. I have had a woman not see me and not hold the door so I cleverly slipped in the door before it shut...no problem, right? Well, she looked absolutely mortified and apologised profusely. In the case that a person acknowledges you and doesn't hold a door open for you there are a couple possible reasons:

a) The person is in a very serious rush (i.e. running)
b) You have angered the person (i.e. Suggested having retail stores open on Sundays)
c) The person is a figment of your imagination.
d) (Most likely option) The person is from Alberta or Ontario.

Anyway, those are the main differences.
Sometime I will highlight the colourful speech patterns of the Maritimers.

Until next time,


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