Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Better Late than Never...Anti-Fan of the Week: Steve From Here

For those rabid fans who need me to update all the time, I know I've let you down lately, but here's something to keep you going. FAN OF THE WEEK. Or, in this case, anti-fan of the week. Why the anti-fan of the week, you ask? Well, it seems that this weeks's featured person doesn't like Ontario. And me being from Ontario creates a problem. So, although we may both enjoy Jon Stewart, Steve disagrees with pretty much everything I say. Oh well

Name: Stephen Simms MacDonald. (He says there's a stary behind his middle name, but it's unprintable on the internet. I believe he overestimates the size of my audience.)

Birthdate: May 22, 1986 therefore he is a gemini.

Religion of Choice (or something): Roman Catholic. He's a Lector. (Hannibal Lecter.)

Pet Peeves other than Ontario: Skinny Ties
Idiots (Cam: Think Mike Murphy's Yearbook Entry)
People With Grudges.

Sexiest thing about Jon Stewart? Wide Ties.

Vice of Chioce? Gambling, preferably Blackjack or Texas Hold'm

Why do you think Ontario has no culture? a) He's never met anyone from Ontario who had any.
b) Everyone (Read: "Jay") says that Onratians have no culture.

Does he play any musical imstruments? No, but he knows the theory. Quote: "I could play piano if I learned it a bunch."

Say something Nova Scotian other than "right sideways": Not too bayyd.

Well, there you have it. A malicious attack on our anti-fan of the week and his character. (kidding!)

Note: I didn't notice how much I missed the smell of fallen leaves until I moved somewhere that had trees. Just a thought. Posted by Hello


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