Saturday, October 23, 2004

Spotlight on: The Bauer Theatre

A Painting of the Bauer Theatre.Posted by Hello

Well, this is the Bauer theatre, named after Fr. Bauer who did something important sometime in the past...who knows.

This building sits pretty much smack in the middle of campus, and has the distinction, as far as I can tell, of being the most ivy-covered building in the town. It's not particularly pretty, though: especially since it's close enough to the maintenance building to make one think that they're attached. Although, the layout and the inside are really quite nice, as can be seen >hereat the official Theatre Antigonish website.

Last week I had the privilege of seeing a production of the Arthur Miller play "The Crucible" performed by some very talented Antigonish people. The set was awesome, with a rotating screen of trees that was put up during the set changes. Quite nice.

The acting of the two main characters was AMAZING, and since I was in the front row, I pretty much felt like I was there. I cried twice, which isn't really saying all that much since I've taken to crying during Queer Eye, but still, it was well acted.

If anyone's ever in Antigonish, I'll hook them up with tickets.

-NatPosted by Hello


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