Saturday, October 02, 2004

Spotlight on: Confusion Square!

Wow...Now that I've had my little tantrum, I will continue with Saturday's usual feature, the spotlight.

This week's spotlight is on my FAVOURITE part of campus. Especially later in the evening when the sun is beginning to set.

Confusion square...Why is it named that? I don't know, but my guess is that it's because it's in a rather non-descript place in the middle-ish of campus where you'd find yourself if you were on your way somewhere, but it's easy to not know where you are, as all the buildings back onto it.

The white door there is Alumni hall, where they call alumni to harass them for money. My roommate Ashley does this as her part-time employment. (Watch out, Heidi!) The building on the left is the Music building, from which the coolest sounds can be heard emerging.

At night, there are pretty lights on the square, and the odd trumpet or drum riff coming out of the music building. Id you sit in one of the benches and listen, it's easy to lose track of time.

I would recommend Confusion Square for a really really cheap date.Posted by Hello


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