Monday, October 18, 2004

Yes, yes...Autographs for All.

Yes, the rumours are true...I AM on national television. Or, rather, I was.

Look at the evidence by clicking HERE and click on the picture of the man in the X costume. Yes, that is me extolling the virtues of going to Catholic school with my girl Shawna.

Quite the little bit of irony, eh?

Also note that the guy in the X costume, Greg, is like, my mentor for poli-sci. He was very helpful in getting me around the campus my first day. Note Rick's reaction when Greg says "never a dull moment" really DOES warrant that.

Antigonish moment of the day: Economics class was held up a little by the class beforehand...apparently the midterm went a little long. So when we walk in, the prof from the previous class was packing up the completed midterms...INTO A LIQUOR STORE BAG. Think about it.


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