Saturday, October 30, 2004

We Have Interrupted Your Usual Saturday Feature For...Lazyness.

Okay, so I didn't do a normal Spotlight On this week cause getting batteries for the camera would just take too much effort in general. SOOO I'll just write about what's been going on.

So I went to my French Lab, finally. GD supplemental work just isn't motivating enough in and of itself. BUT I did end up going, and it was really benficial, not to mention there was free chocolate. So, in conclusion, Aero Bars will motivate me to do pretty much anything.

Ashley is home from Florida, and I MISSED her! It's good to have her home. Although, I get less sleep now cause we always find something to stay up late talking about. Good old Ashley.

Classes are going well. We had a guest prof in poli-sci cause ours was in BAHston. The guest prof was French (France french? maybe?) and he had a neat accent. He was also HILARIOUS. He was there to teach us about the American democratic system (oxymoron?) and about 3/4 of the way through the class some random guy walks in, looks around and says "oh...wrong class." (That happens all the time) Anyway, this guy (Dr. Gagnon) closes the door and says "That was John Kerry! Did you guys see that?!?" ...It was funnier if you were there, maybe.

It's almost rent/bills time. This is the crappy part about adult life. Bills suck a lot, rent sucks too. That's about all I have to say about that.

A bientot,



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