Sunday, November 21, 2004
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Fan of the Week: Chris (From Ajax!!)
Early this week....It's the FOTW...Chris.
Full Name: Christopher Raymond "from Ajax, motherf*****" Poirier
Birthday: December 20, 1986...Astrologer Dave says: Sagitarasaurus.
Shoe Size: 10.
Why does your hair suck: Cause he's too cheap to get it done professionally.
Diferences between NS and Ontario: 's' on 'somewheres' and 'everywheres' AND
Atlantic Beef Magazine. (If you don't know it....go home)
Biggest Pet Peeve of Nova Scotia: Rampant open-mouthed chewing.
(sidebar: Chris is in Arts here...haha...oh, am I.)
What's yo flava? Strawberry.
What's that shiny thing on your eyebrow? "I got nothin."
How do you amalgamate K with HCL when the volume is 3mol? Go to Kenya, ask the potassium master the best way to intensify the K ions. Once that information has been obtained, you amalgamate the K ions by penetrating the surface tension of the HCl with K ions and then, once the surface tension has been broken you have 1.736 seconds to insert the remainder of the K.
Favourite Vitamin? B12
What's with the trampoline thing? "Um...I was good at it, figured I'd see what I could do with that. Plus, I knew I'd get to Amsterdam eventually."
Why did you go to STFX? "*cries* I don't know."
Comment on Natalie: "Nice Rack." (Good genetics?)
Favourite TV Show: Question Period on CPAC. (No, really.)
Favourite Clue Character: Col. Mustard.
If you were a fruit, what fruit would you be: "Fuck you, I'm not a fruit." (Note: Dave would be a fruit he would be a tomato, cause it's so stealthy.)
How do you keep Nat's mom in suspense: He'll tell you later.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
A Conversation, Etc.
The Conversation
Dave, Chris and I are sitting in Jack's with everyone, poking fun at Onatario.
"Hey, we should start an Ontario society!"
"I know! There's a China Society, after all."
"What, and just sit and bitch about being in Nova Scotia?"
"Yeah, and how much better we are than all the other societies."
"And generally be snobs."
"But you know we'd have like, three meetings and then the people from Toronto would start their own Toronto society and talk about how much better they are than the Ontario society."
"Yeah, and then you people from Barrie would be in the Ontario society, but commute to the Toronto society every now and then."
Dave tells me to open the Barrie website.
"Barrie has a site?"
"It's just a link to the Toronto site."
"Only from 9-5 on weekdays."
To Parents and people my age who care about my education:
Got some random extentsions on my papers, did some charity-esque work, have paid all of my bills but one and am eating enough (and taking my vitamins!!) Rober cut his hair, and it's a little sad. (Rob from economics class agrees with me on this one.)
32 Days until I'm home!
Love, Nat.
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
The First Snowfall of the Winter
It was a day like any other. Walking outside in the cool Antigonish air, letting it hit my face as I walked. The air here has a quality of cleanliness that the air back home doesn''s like camping all the time. So beautiful.
I went to class, tried to listen to my professor talk about whatever it was....and then left. As I stepped out of Nicholson Hall, I saw it.
...Snow was falling! Huge flakes all over! There was a ton of it, and it was coming down pretty well. Most people were muttering complaints about cold or snow under their breath (or loudly...) but I was suddenly so excited. I practically skipped the short distance to the SUB and could tell that I had that smile...the one that you KNOW looks stupid but you can't help it.
I went into Jack's and found that most of the people in there were about as happy as I was, and we began discussing what we liked about snow, and various childhood/snow memories....probably. I might be romanticizing the moment. From there the moment was a lot like this:
"Man! Look at it! It just started coming down SO hard!"
"Holy! That's Sweet."
" pretty!"
"I wish we could go play in it."
*pause filled with conspiratorial glances*
At which point the OC lounge emptied out, its members runing through the halls of the SUB haphazardly throwing on coats and scarves, laughing like little kids. The usually cranky and straightlaced people in the Lounge seemed to think the whole thing was pretty fun-looking.
So we all played outside in the snow on the football field, and some people (Chris and SteveM.) slid down cheapskate hill. I only got hit by one masterfully thrown snowball, thanks to Edward, and had an awesome time. We all re-entered the SUB rosy-cheeked and ready for hot chocolate, not to mention reaffirming the notion that OC kids are the most spontaneous and fun people ON campus. Hah.
P.S. since this is Nova Scotia, the snow was mostly gone by the end of the day. Oh well.
Monday, November 08, 2004
I Can Be Smug If I Want...Shut Up.
That's right all you crazy central Canadian numbers/children! My name is Natalie Fleming, Nat to some profs and most of my friends here...and I'm the only one at the school who knows my student number as well as my name. So kiss my Nova Scotian butt.
Secondly, I'd like to point out that the Nova Scotian flag consists of a Scottish ensignia dealie and....what? What's that? Oh right...A BIG BLUE X.
Thirdly, today Bickerton said "...and about your topics (about the term papers)...if you are having trouble with them, come talk to me and we can discuss some ideas, etc." (At which point SteveM. leans over to me and says 'that right there is why we're number one school.') It's true though...the teachers here actually know us and our names and will come chat with us after the various events that are held by the school.
If you're in high school reading this, seriously read that article on STFX, and if you are involved in your school now (especially athletic society or council) LOOK INTO STFX. You'll love it....promise.
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Fan of the Week: Geordie!
And here we are on yet another Sunday, and I decided not to neglect my duties this week. So, here I am, taking a break from the constant deep thinking that is my education to bring you information on yet another crazy schoolmate.
This is Geordie. I didn't interview him, so just take my word for most of this, okay? Good. Geordie's real name is George Hemlow, but pretty sure we all call him Geordie.
His main claim to fame is one of two things:
a) His hair (which is mostly gone now, but is still hot.
b) His ridiculously addictive and awesome back massages...I think I owe him huge.
He's from around here...Pinevale, for those of you who are Mapquest addicts....don't pretend like you're not. He drives a black car...couldn't tell you what kind, but it's smallish. It also is constantly playing scary German music. (Geordie thinks he is an immigrant from Germany.)
Random other Facts about Geordie:
-He plays bagpipes quite well.
-He likes Monty Python as much as is humanly possible.
-He doesn't wear underwear. (TMI? I think not.)
-He is GORGEOUS and should be in pictures.
-He does calligraphy, and sometimes uses these powers for evil.
-His mommy works at STFX.
-He is good friends with my favourite East Coaster, Samgirl.
-You can hear him on Wednesdays from 3-4pm on CFXU.
Well, that's about it for this week's edition of Fan of the Week. Keep looking because soon there will be: maybe one of my roommates! MAYBE Sam! (Isn't the excitement killing you?)
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Plan Ahead....OR ELSE!
For all those of my friends still in High School, and Cam, who I know was looking at a Law School somewhere across the world:
A guy who I go to school with, Chris, is from Ajax. (Yeah, that never gets old.) Anyway, I find that we have quite a bit of cultural stuff in common and it's really good to talk about how weird Nova Scotia can be with someone who gets it. Especially when one needs to vent. He doesn't really care if I brutalize Nova Scotia because he does it too.
But I digress...
The story is (and I'm paraphrasing this from memory) he wants to go to law school. So he went to some appropriate office and asked to see the info on Law School. I guess the lady there must have asked him what year he was in, and of course he said "first". She said "You're from Ontario, aren't you?"
Why's that now? Well, it seems that the culture of Ontario is so demonically focused on planning ahead that we think we're locked into what we planned on being 'when we grow up' when we were five years old. An idea that, I admit, I still have a hard time letting go of. Here, when Chris and I talk about grad school or the streaming that went on in Ontario, people look at us like we're speaking alien. There is waaay less pressure out here to...well, perform. I hold myself to average standards in Ontario, but here I'm seen as a bit of an overachiever, probably. I's weird. But in a way, it doesn't make me more comfortable as someone would imagine. I just feel like this whole province has a lack of ambition, and that frustrates me more than anything.
Hopefully it doesn't rub off.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Rainy Days and Mondays
Well folks, the pathetic fallacy in the Nish today was blatant. Bush won the election, it rains all day.
Nope, not THAT rain, people. Nova Scotia rain. It's actually pretty different. I think the rain here is prettier. Sometimes it rains here and it's like a sunny mist. Pretty.
Also: Nova Scotia is the only place you'll see it raining and people walking around with their umbrellas closed. Walking home, I saw four or five people in such a state. However, by that point, I didn't think anything of it because I, too had my closed umbrella in hand, being soaked by rain. Why does this happen, you ask?'s not because East Coasters are more tolerant of rain than us, it's because the wind is too strong for an umbrella to be anything but counterproductive.
So, rain is cool in Nova Scotia. Unless you're walking.