Halloween Antics Etc.
Well, the highlight of any Halloween in Antigonish should really include a trip to the local scary urban legend place, Mary Ellen Spooks. I don't know the story entirely, but suffice to say, scary things happen when people go there (apparently).
So it's supposed to be about a 20 minute drive out of town to this place, and there were three carfulls of us going. My car was the lead car and was driven by the ever-charming and lovely Geordie. He was accompanied by his awesome crimefighting 'angels', Myself, Sam and Shawna. The other cars were filled with less interesting people.
So we drove down these windy dirt roads being accosted by Geordie's Rammstein for a while....then we did a sweet version of the Blue (da ba dee) song and the Hamster dance. And, as anyone who has been on a long car trip with me would know, I fall asleep pretty easily in a moving vehicle, so I don't really remember much else of the next hour, but everyone was pretty pissed about the fact that we were lost and had been driving for an hour and hadn't found M.E.S.
So, long story short, Gerordie took the lazy/whiny/drunk/Jimi people home and everyone else parked it in a rando field somewhere and made a fire. We drank around said fire, and had some good old-fashioned University fun. Cindy brought the toilet paper.
Okay, so then we went home...but I realized that I'd forgotten my house key...it was in my house. So I rang the bell a bunch of times, Sam knocked on Ashley's window a bunch...but no, we were stranded...we began to walk to someone else's house to find a place to sleep, catching a cab along the way. Once we'd arrived, we had some more University-style fun. (READ: Three girls and a guy on a double bed watching some inappropriate movies and Disney movies simultaneously.) It was fun times, about 2 hours of sleep had by the best off (me) and none by the worst off (Sam?)
The next day we had a candy potluck which I attended dressed as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Good times.
Side note: Ashley came home really late today and I was all "man, where were you last night?" Apparently she came home at 2 (2 hours before me) but conicidentally had locked herself out too and tried to knock on MY window. *sigh* the irony.