Sunday, October 31, 2004

Halloween Antics Etc.

Well, the highlight of any Halloween in Antigonish should really include a trip to the local scary urban legend place, Mary Ellen Spooks. I don't know the story entirely, but suffice to say, scary things happen when people go there (apparently).

So it's supposed to be about a 20 minute drive out of town to this place, and there were three carfulls of us going. My car was the lead car and was driven by the ever-charming and lovely Geordie. He was accompanied by his awesome crimefighting 'angels', Myself, Sam and Shawna. The other cars were filled with less interesting people.

So we drove down these windy dirt roads being accosted by Geordie's Rammstein for a while....then we did a sweet version of the Blue (da ba dee) song and the Hamster dance. And, as anyone who has been on a long car trip with me would know, I fall asleep pretty easily in a moving vehicle, so I don't really remember much else of the next hour, but everyone was pretty pissed about the fact that we were lost and had been driving for an hour and hadn't found M.E.S.

So, long story short, Gerordie took the lazy/whiny/drunk/Jimi people home and everyone else parked it in a rando field somewhere and made a fire. We drank around said fire, and had some good old-fashioned University fun. Cindy brought the toilet paper.

Okay, so then we went home...but I realized that I'd forgotten my house was in my house. So I rang the bell a bunch of times, Sam knocked on Ashley's window a bunch...but no, we were stranded...we began to walk to someone else's house to find a place to sleep, catching a cab along the way. Once we'd arrived, we had some more University-style fun. (READ: Three girls and a guy on a double bed watching some inappropriate movies and Disney movies simultaneously.) It was fun times, about 2 hours of sleep had by the best off (me) and none by the worst off (Sam?)

The next day we had a candy potluck which I attended dressed as Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Good times.

Side note: Ashley came home really late today and I was all "man, where were you last night?" Apparently she came home at 2 (2 hours before me) but conicidentally had locked herself out too and tried to knock on MY window. *sigh* the irony.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

We Have Interrupted Your Usual Saturday Feature For...Lazyness.

Okay, so I didn't do a normal Spotlight On this week cause getting batteries for the camera would just take too much effort in general. SOOO I'll just write about what's been going on.

So I went to my French Lab, finally. GD supplemental work just isn't motivating enough in and of itself. BUT I did end up going, and it was really benficial, not to mention there was free chocolate. So, in conclusion, Aero Bars will motivate me to do pretty much anything.

Ashley is home from Florida, and I MISSED her! It's good to have her home. Although, I get less sleep now cause we always find something to stay up late talking about. Good old Ashley.

Classes are going well. We had a guest prof in poli-sci cause ours was in BAHston. The guest prof was French (France french? maybe?) and he had a neat accent. He was also HILARIOUS. He was there to teach us about the American democratic system (oxymoron?) and about 3/4 of the way through the class some random guy walks in, looks around and says "oh...wrong class." (That happens all the time) Anyway, this guy (Dr. Gagnon) closes the door and says "That was John Kerry! Did you guys see that?!?" ...It was funnier if you were there, maybe.

It's almost rent/bills time. This is the crappy part about adult life. Bills suck a lot, rent sucks too. That's about all I have to say about that.

A bientot,


Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I'm going to start one of these myself, dammit.

Also: Somewhere and Anywhere do not need an 's' tacked onto the end.


Better Late than Never...Anti-Fan of the Week: Steve From Here

For those rabid fans who need me to update all the time, I know I've let you down lately, but here's something to keep you going. FAN OF THE WEEK. Or, in this case, anti-fan of the week. Why the anti-fan of the week, you ask? Well, it seems that this weeks's featured person doesn't like Ontario. And me being from Ontario creates a problem. So, although we may both enjoy Jon Stewart, Steve disagrees with pretty much everything I say. Oh well

Name: Stephen Simms MacDonald. (He says there's a stary behind his middle name, but it's unprintable on the internet. I believe he overestimates the size of my audience.)

Birthdate: May 22, 1986 therefore he is a gemini.

Religion of Choice (or something): Roman Catholic. He's a Lector. (Hannibal Lecter.)

Pet Peeves other than Ontario: Skinny Ties
Idiots (Cam: Think Mike Murphy's Yearbook Entry)
People With Grudges.

Sexiest thing about Jon Stewart? Wide Ties.

Vice of Chioce? Gambling, preferably Blackjack or Texas Hold'm

Why do you think Ontario has no culture? a) He's never met anyone from Ontario who had any.
b) Everyone (Read: "Jay") says that Onratians have no culture.

Does he play any musical imstruments? No, but he knows the theory. Quote: "I could play piano if I learned it a bunch."

Say something Nova Scotian other than "right sideways": Not too bayyd.

Well, there you have it. A malicious attack on our anti-fan of the week and his character. (kidding!)

Note: I didn't notice how much I missed the smell of fallen leaves until I moved somewhere that had trees. Just a thought. Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Spotlight on: The Bauer Theatre

A Painting of the Bauer Theatre.Posted by Hello

Well, this is the Bauer theatre, named after Fr. Bauer who did something important sometime in the past...who knows.

This building sits pretty much smack in the middle of campus, and has the distinction, as far as I can tell, of being the most ivy-covered building in the town. It's not particularly pretty, though: especially since it's close enough to the maintenance building to make one think that they're attached. Although, the layout and the inside are really quite nice, as can be seen >hereat the official Theatre Antigonish website.

Last week I had the privilege of seeing a production of the Arthur Miller play "The Crucible" performed by some very talented Antigonish people. The set was awesome, with a rotating screen of trees that was put up during the set changes. Quite nice.

The acting of the two main characters was AMAZING, and since I was in the front row, I pretty much felt like I was there. I cried twice, which isn't really saying all that much since I've taken to crying during Queer Eye, but still, it was well acted.

If anyone's ever in Antigonish, I'll hook them up with tickets.

-NatPosted by Hello

Monday, October 18, 2004

Yes, yes...Autographs for All.

Yes, the rumours are true...I AM on national television. Or, rather, I was.

Look at the evidence by clicking HERE and click on the picture of the man in the X costume. Yes, that is me extolling the virtues of going to Catholic school with my girl Shawna.

Quite the little bit of irony, eh?

Also note that the guy in the X costume, Greg, is like, my mentor for poli-sci. He was very helpful in getting me around the campus my first day. Note Rick's reaction when Greg says "never a dull moment" really DOES warrant that.

Antigonish moment of the day: Economics class was held up a little by the class beforehand...apparently the midterm went a little long. So when we walk in, the prof from the previous class was packing up the completed midterms...INTO A LIQUOR STORE BAG. Think about it.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Fan of the Week: Matt!!!

Well, it's time again for FAN OF THE WEEK. I'm a little disappointed in myself that I missed the Spotlight feature this week, but my camera isn't the best. So without further adieu, let us delve into the mind of Matt, in our first live (at the time of typing) interview.

Full name: Matthew Scott Burke. I think this is Cape Bretoner for 'hot sexy guy.'
Birthday: February 23rd, 1986. (Send birthday gifts c/o STFX P.O. Box 211)
Favourite Cookie: Peabut Butter Chocolate Chunk from Tim Hortons

Matt rambles about his hometown of Louisbourg, NS: "It's easy to get drunk when ur underage and everyone knows everyone else, which is kinda of a downside when ya get drunk cuz then everyone knows." (A Drunken Quote? Probably.) He also says it's a drinking town with a small fishing problem

Matt Works at The Fortress of Louisbourg: "It's the only job where ya can dress up in a kick ass costume and talk to people from around the world all day"

When asked to say something "Cape Bretonerish" Matt went with: "A quart of Vodka is 21.95 all taxes included." (Editor's note: a quart is what we call a "26er" I have heard from Cam out west that they call it a 'twix' or something silly like that.)

What about the hair? "I wake up in the morning and its there and I shower and shake my head its still mostly I assume thats normal."

Does he think I'm weird? No, but apparently I get excited over the littlest things...oh well, that's a good life philosophy in my opinon. He also says he'd visit Ontario if there were more people like me, provided that they didn't shoot him.

So there you have it...Matt "with the pretty hair" Burke in a nutshell. Until next time,
NatPosted by Hello

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Chomsky Day...A Review

I woke up this morning feeling groggy, but was shortly awakened by the thought that I was going to see Noam Chomsky.
Steve came and got me at about 4:00 and we proceeded to Immaculata Auditorium, which looks like it seats about 200 people. We were there about 3 and some change hours early, but the place was already half full. We ended up getting what were, at the time, the closest seats to Noam avaliable to the average Joes. (If Steve and I had held hands I could have touched Dr. Chomsky with my hand while Steve kept one foot on my chair.
Anyway, as some of you many know, I have been reading his new book. Well, if you'd like to get a longer version of the lecture,click here.

And aside from nearly falling asleep once because of his soothingly coarse texan accent, I found the whole thing to be cool, even if to me it was redundant. Also, I could look around the auditorium and scan for hot guys who must be interested in leftist politics...

Chomsky Quote of the day:

"I'm a conservative"

-Re: A kid who asked him what his tastes in music were.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Back in the Nish

So Here I am, in my new hometown of Antigonish, NS. I was really glad to be back, although I didn't recieve quite as enthusiastic a welcome as I got in Barrie.

I was really glad to see people though, and classes are tedious as usual...although the information is still as good as always.

Steve quote of the day: "You can't be bored! You're in the Nish!" (Hah! Right.)

Sorry about the brevity,

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Fan of the Week: Dave Wisfdgbhkjrgski!!!

A little bit of home right in our very own Jack's Bar...Dave Wisenteiosghfgcski. (Polish names are long.)

Anyway, I met Dave the first time ever in my life at Dancing in the Streets, where it took us a ridiculously long time to figure out that he too was from Barrie and lived non River Ridge Rd. Kenya believe it?

Here are Dave's Stats:

Idols: Paris Hilton!
Likes: Louis Vuitton stuff, The Simple Life and dancing like a guy from night at the Roxbury.
Dislikes: People who try and be Paris Hilton for halloween, because that's clearly his idea.
Most Memorable Dave Moment: When he passed out on the bleachers at the football game/Dancing at the toga party.
My Personal Favourite Dave Invention: The B-Loon.
Side note to Dave: St. Pete's is for losers! BAHAHA.

In other news...last night my friend Steve MacDonald said that it would be a good idea if I got "right sideways". That is my absolute new favourite Nova Scotia-ism....and I have claimed Steve for my very own pet and he will be accompanying me back to Ontario in a small handbag.

-NatPosted by Hello

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Spotlight on: Confusion Square!

Wow...Now that I've had my little tantrum, I will continue with Saturday's usual feature, the spotlight.

This week's spotlight is on my FAVOURITE part of campus. Especially later in the evening when the sun is beginning to set.

Confusion square...Why is it named that? I don't know, but my guess is that it's because it's in a rather non-descript place in the middle-ish of campus where you'd find yourself if you were on your way somewhere, but it's easy to not know where you are, as all the buildings back onto it.

The white door there is Alumni hall, where they call alumni to harass them for money. My roommate Ashley does this as her part-time employment. (Watch out, Heidi!) The building on the left is the Music building, from which the coolest sounds can be heard emerging.

At night, there are pretty lights on the square, and the odd trumpet or drum riff coming out of the music building. Id you sit in one of the benches and listen, it's easy to lose track of time.

I would recommend Confusion Square for a really really cheap date.Posted by Hello

Homecoming Makes Natalie Something Something

Well, it's homecoming weekend here in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. This is, as anyone who lives in a small town should know, a HUGE deal. And as these same people should ALSO know, on homecoming weekend, everyone who has even said the name of the town comes back all teary-eyed to reminisce.

Now, since it seems to me that in Nova Scotia everyone is somehow related to everyone else, EVERYONE has a reason to be here this weekend for fun times. Who DIDN'T go to STFX, is my question.

My roommates' families are all here celebrating, so my house is filled with moms and dads and family in general, but none of mine! This is probably the most depressing day I've had since I got here. They should have a gd Ontario day here where we can have our families over and make everyone else jealous. Okay, I'm sue me.

At least there's a football game today.