Thursday, September 30, 2004

Part-time Politician, Part-time Hairdresser.

So...This is the inside of my bathroom...

I know everyone is asking...who is that guy, and WHAT are you and Ashley doing to him...well, it all begins with me doing my homework...

Ashley enters the basement, followed by two random guys who I've never seen before, and I infer that she doesn't know them REALLY well, but well enough. I was intrigued as to why they were there, but not for long.

"***** wants me to give him a mohawk!" exclaimed Ashley excitedly, maybe clapping her hands in excitement, maybe not. The boys all were very nice and reeked of cinnamon. (Ah fireball...liquid courage.)

We escorted ***** into our bathroom, got him a chair, and debated how exactly we were going to shave his head with two razors. His friend, meanwhile, (significantly less drunk) is beginning to be Jimminy Cricket to his friend's Pinocchio; telling him he will regret this later.

We cut all the hair on the side with scissors and then shaved it with razors...Ashley did one side and I did the other. The end product was pretty cool, if I do say so myself. He seemed to be a bit more sober at the end, wondering what his girlfriend was going to say...

AFTERMATH: I hear that he's wearing a hat to school, but is happy to show off the new 'do in res. His girlfriend was NOT happy, as expected. Luckily, I don't know any of these people.

NOTE: This picture was taken during the action...does not represent the full coolness of the finished product.

*****:Name hidden to protect the drunken. Plus I can't remember it.

-NataliePosted by Hello

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Whatsoever things are brew....

I'd like to start this entry on a serious note, mentioning that I have recieved complaints from the general public (I'd even go so far as to call it an 'outcry') about my last blashphemous, impious entry. I aoplogise for any offense I have caused. Going to a Catholic school DOES have its benefits (sexy uniforms aside) and I will share those in an entry to come...I first need photographic evidence. So stay tuned for God's apology on my behalf...

For today though, I'd like to share a little about my school's motto, which I think is really cool.

"Quaecumque Sunt Vera"

This means "whatsoever things are true"...meh, by itself it's kinda boring. But the story behind it, although riddled with religion like everything else, is rather endearing.

It comes from the bible...not the bible you have, so don't go checking. It's from that like, director's cut bible that priests seem to have with a kajillion extra sections. Anywho, specifically, the passage that they read us is from St. Paul to the Philippians.

There's a lot of blah blah blah God talk, which is interesting enough, but I'm not going to take upn space here with I'll just put in 4:8-9:

8 For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever modest,
whatsoever just, whatsoever holy, whatsoever lovely, whatsoever of good fame,
if there be any virtue, if any praise of discipline, think on these things.

9 The things which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me,
these do ye, and the God of peace shall be with you.

Yes, that's school doesn't want to produce the smartest, fastest or even most successful kids...although I'm sure they love it when that happens. They mostly want us to look for the good and truth in life, and be good citizens of the world in doing so. I find that SO cool.

Points awarded to Catholocism.


Monday, September 27, 2004

Pope Mobile!

Oh, Religion.

Every morning when I walk to school, I am greeted by this guy...I call him Popey Mc Poperson, since everyone out here seems to be Scottish. He is one of the many religious statues around the campus.

There's Mary MacVirgin, who is situated in the lovely garden that is surrounded by "the Mount" (that which used to by MSB college)
And there are multiple statues of the patron saint of stark jewelery and beer-drinking college students: St. Francis Xavier. He's in front of Burke/Fraser/Plessis and the Library

Religion is a HUGE deal around there. The caltholic church holds a fair amount of sway, and I can honestly say I haven't ever had this many friends who "had to go to church" on Sundays. Holy hell....oh wait...probably not the best choice of words there.

I'm still learning...
NatPosted by Hello

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Fan of the Week: Edward!

Well, it's Sunday again, which means:
a) Nothing's Open
b) It's time for another installment of "Fan of the Week!!"

Now, I neglected to interview this week's fan of the week, but I will write about him what I know.

Name: Edward Something Something
Birthday: June 26 (yeah 2 days apart!)
Hometown: Sydney, Nova Scotia
Profession: Student in Human Kinetics, Science (aka too busy for you)
Career plans? Doctor (Don't worry, I'm selling him on McMaster)
Likes: Tea, Usher, Dancing like the aforementioned popstar, Homestar Runner
Dislikes: Cats, Country Music, Certain members of the OC, Sleeping in the chair?

Now, in the above picture he is tying his shoes. I think he would have preferred a more 'sexy' picture to be avaliable on the net, but we canb't always get what we want, now can we? This is pretty much accurate to what he looks like, so I prefer this one. Anyway, I'll write something productive later.

-NatPosted by Hello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Spotlight on: The Bloomfield Centre (4th Floor)

Well, welcome to the second edition of the Spotlight segment. I was GOING to to Confusion Square, but I forgot to take a picture of it. SO instead of seeing something pretty, you are going to see something from the 70's.

The Bloomfield Centre is never actually referred to as that by anyone but pamphlets. Everyone here calls it the 'sub' which is from SUB: Student Untion Building. I THINK that this is because all the services provided by the Student's Union.

First floor: Mailboxes, hair cutter, art gallery, bookstore.
Second Floor: Cafe, lounge, clothing shop.
Third Floor: Main Floor.

Okay, let me explain. The Sub is built into the side of a hill. So the bottom floor you walk into from the back. However, from the front, where most people enter, you actually step onto the 3rd floor. SO really, it's only one flight of stairs to....


The 4th floor is the unofficial hangout of the Off-Campus house. At any time of day, if you have a spare, you can fo upstairs and find at least 2 other OC people chilling out. And during the P-block, you can find motly everyone. It's the place to be, for sure.

So, to review: Bloomfield centre, sub, OC hangout...curly fries.

-NatPosted by Hello

Friday, September 24, 2004

Camera Trigger-Happy?

Well hello again everyone!
Today at school I decided that I would bring my camera, no matter HOW broken it is, and take many many pictures of the goings-on. Now, what would a set of school pictures be without a picture of class? Not much. However, my friends seemed to be 'embarassed' that I would take pictures in class.

For the record, the cowardly people are, from the left:
Steve with the Straw Hat
Steve from Newfoundland
Random guy whose name I haven't learned yet.

In other news:
Philosophy was actually interesting today, and Rober still calls on me randomly and when I'm not expecting it. (DARN!) But I always dazzle him with my brilliance. (HAH!)
I think a lot of other cool stuff has happened, but I can't remember it now. I'm sure I'll remember eventually.

-Nat Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I have nothing to say today, so here is a picture of the Keating Millenium Centre, home of all things sporty and conferencey. (Note the OC members milling about...we're like the pesky homeless people at the school.) Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

My Plans to Marry

Well, I have officially decided that I have to marry a Spanish man...and here's why.

Other than my Philosophy class, where the prof takes attendance and my history class where there are regularly class discussions, the use of a student's name during class isn't really something that happens. And in economics, the prof hadn't ever said anyone's name...just comes in, lectures, leaves pretty much.

So today in the middle of class, he's talking and I have my head down, taking notes furiously. (okay, just taking notes...whatever.) And I shall write a script:

ROBER: blah blah blah? *asks potentially rhetorical question* Natalie?
*Natalie snaps her head up so quickly she accidentally writes on her pants, only to see that Rober is not actually looking at her.*
ROBER: Are you Natalie?
*Meanwhile, Natalie is swooning over the Spanish pronounciuation of her name.*
ROBER: What about you? *Points to some girl*
ROBER: Isn't anyone in this class named Natalie?
NATALIE: *Swoon* *raises hand*

And so, after brilliantly answering the question, and recovering from excessive swooning, I was baffled about why he would address me so randomly. I stil don't know...but I'm definitely up for a vacation to Spain in the future.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

On Manners

Well, I would like to take this time to point out some cultural differences between Antigonish and Barrie.

Editor's Note: None of this is exaggerated...I wish it was, but it's not.

Here in Antigonish, people honk their horns...a lot. But, even though it freaks me out a lot, they only do it to say hi to each other. I haven't once heard an angry honk since I got here. There is also the "slow down right in the middle of the road and talk to that pedestrian that you know" tactic employed by some, but that's a little more rare.

Which brings me to pedestrians themselves. We (as you'll rarely find me in a car) have an interesting predicament out here in Antigonish. You see, while most cars etnd to ignore pedestrians at designated crosswalks, the minute you step onto the road where there isn't a painted line, every car that could potentially be in your way will slow down and/or stop for you. Yes, that's right, jaywalkers have the right of way here. Even the cops will stop for jaywalkers...and if they know you they'll probably honk and wave, too. I asked, and apparently it's still illegal to jaywalk here but it seems to be one of those joke rules that no one really pays attention to.

Now...I hear you asking: What if many pedestrians are all using the same path from one room to an other...let's say, for example, a door? Well, now this is an interesting thing out here. It appears that the very social fabric of Antigonish is based on holding the door for others. (I remind you that I am not exaggerating here) If someone goes through a door here, and there is a person in the hall they are exiting who is moving in the general direction of the door, the person in said door must hold the door open for them, regardless of the distance of the other person from the door. I have had a woman not see me and not hold the door so I cleverly slipped in the door before it problem, right? Well, she looked absolutely mortified and apologised profusely. In the case that a person acknowledges you and doesn't hold a door open for you there are a couple possible reasons:

a) The person is in a very serious rush (i.e. running)
b) You have angered the person (i.e. Suggested having retail stores open on Sundays)
c) The person is a figment of your imagination.
d) (Most likely option) The person is from Alberta or Ontario.

Anyway, those are the main differences.
Sometime I will highlight the colourful speech patterns of the Maritimers.

Until next time,

Monday, September 20, 2004

I Am Xaverian!

Today's Entry is dedicated to one Ms. Heidi Carr, inter-provincial fan of the week and fellow Xaverian.

In case you can't read it, this is on my bulletin board and says:

I am Xaverian

No, this ring doesn't make me part of a cult,
And no, I don't use it to sign my name.
And no- I don't know Jason, Scottie or Paul from MacNeil house
Although if you told me their nicknames I probably would.

I Have an RA, not a DON

I took Liberal Arts, not Business Tech
And I pronounce it STFX, not St of X

I can proudly tattoo a blue X anywhere on my body,
knowing it will have meaning later on in life.

I believe in quality education
where I am a name, not a number.

Where I can discuss philosophy with a prof over a beer.

And that December 3rd truly is the greatest day of the year.

A scoop is a pick-up, the Golden X is the INN

And it's pronounced zay-v&R NOT EX-AVE-EE-ERE....zay-v&R!!!

Our ring is one of the three most recognized rings in the world,
it's the first university in hockey, home of BurMac.

And the best damn part of graduating from Highschool.

My Name is (Natalie)

 Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Fan of the Week: Shawna!

Well, since the weekend is so devoid of scholastic feats to talk about, I think Sundays will become "Fan of the Week Day".
This week's fan of the week is the ever popular Shawna. Here are some stats:

Name: Shawna Bowie (Sorry Jill, it's pronounced "boo-ee")
Profession: Former "hot nanny", current "hot student."
Favourite attributes in a male: Long or Wide arms, kind.*
Favourite "pop": Vodka "soda"
Favourite season: Winter
Favourite Colour: "pink"
Pizza or Turkey?: Pizza
Ever been to Ontario: Nope (although she will come visit!)

*Editor's Note: Most Questions were posed by the mischievious Edward and therefore the validity of the answers is not guaranteed by the writer of this article. Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Spotlight on: My bedroom!

Well Hello everyone out there in Canada! (Okay fine...Barrie.) I've decided that it is time to begin my Community Spotlight section. And since charity begins at home (hint, hint) I'm starting with my very own room!

It's a pretty good sized room, although the photo there doesn't really do it justice. This photo encompasses my awesomely cool CD rack (everyone comments on that one!) , part of my desk and part of my bed. Note the collage of movie posters!

I have now got some sensible things up and about in there, such as a bulletin board and a schedule and whatnot. I also have a map of Nova Scotia and the provincial flag. (hopefully I'll trick people into thinking I'm from here!)The bed is comfortable and also stores all my clothes that are clean. (Not really that many at any given time.)

And yes, I am telling the truth when I say that the room is pretty clean at all times. But it's only because when you share an apartment with two people and it's all one huge room, you tend to have your friends hang out in your personal space.

SO, to review: Nice room, good hangout, not wet, minor bug issues.  Posted by Hello

Friday, September 17, 2004

I Am Still Learning (Although Not in Philosophy...)

Well, as you can see, I've learned how to put up pictures, so now you can have a visual aid of what exactly is going on here in Antigonowhere, NS.

I've come to the conclusion as of the time that I'm writing this that my favourite classes are: Economics, History and French.

Economics: Almost soley because of the prof. Accents aside, he's hilarious. He makes little sound effects and hilarious examples for economic theories. He constantly makes ludicrous moral statements to show us that all economic situations are in a context. (We COULD produce more if we started holding guns to the heads of the "leetle bebes" but that's just not going to happen.) And considering the high potential for economics to be boring, I'm quite pleased. Good way to start the day.

History: Again, the prof is awesome. The course gets a little credit here too for being interesting in and of itself. However, this is the only class, believe it or not, where we have open discussions. Today's was awesome...I had fun and it allowed me to talk to some more kids in the class, which I don't get the opportunity to do otherwise. I met some really cool people who love the same things I do. This class will be interesting, I can tell...and it moves along at a good pace.

French: Yeah, I hear you...this is a little out of the blue, I know. French has this position right now where it could either scare the pants off of me or be a really cool and fun challenge. In this class, my teacher, Dr. Mendez is like a mother of sorts to us (or me, anyway) and she makes me feel like I can definitely do alright in the class and so I'm actually excited to have a class where I feel like I'm LEARNING something.

Loser class? Philosophy.

This class makes me laugh hysterically with boredom. (Under my breath, though) But i'm not kidding. I've never...NEVER been in a class that dumbed things down so much that they were made more confusing, but this is one. I sit beside an engineering student and he has a lot of trouble understanding the material. The thing is...we're doing LOGIC right now. Now, assuming this guy knows a thing or two about math...if presented properly, the concept of philosophical logic should be like basic arithmetic for this guy, but it's beyond him. Why? WHY you ask? Because the prof makes everything seem more complicated than it is! AND she keeps screwing up some of her problems and then the poor engineering guy gets all confused again until one of the other kids (probably one who has taken philosophy before) corrects her mistake and then she re-explains. Now I know that people are human and make mistakes...but she has a PhD! Seriously. AND it's the only class where the prof takes attendance so I'm forced to go! GAY!

*phew* rant over. I think I'll go do some French homework now. We're learning about love, of all things. (Ah l'amour! For those kids in Global: we're doing Legende de Tristan at Isauld...get the reference? Think Hohenschwangau)


Hey Look! It's Me and my Roommate Ashley! Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 16, 2004

My Laptop is Back!

Well, a lot has happened my little friends!

I have gotten a phone, finally. The first three people I called were: Edward (test call...and yes, the phone was functional), George and later on, My Family. Had lovely chats with all of them, etc.

I got my laptop back as well, but posting pictures is far too complicated for my little mind to comprehend at this moment. I'll start as soon as I can on that though.

Last night was society night, which was a fun way to see what clubs are avaliable. was mostly a good way to get tons and tons of free food. My accomplices were embarrased at my constant putting candy in the purse, but later they were the ones benefitting. Psht. Also a source of embarassment to my entourage: when I squealed (??) with excitement over the Strategic Board Games Club. (I didn't JOIN it or anything...geez.)

Anyway, that's it for now.
Agenda for the weekend:
Friday night: Chill Night.
Saturday night: Shaker at non-german BJ's....maybe.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Ahh the Comforts of Home!

Let me keep this short:

I now have a phone!
1 (902) 735-2822



P.S. NEVER take philosophy if you're allergic to bored.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

French, etc.

Today was boring to a level that I can't even begin to describe. My Tuesdays are forever going to be known as "boring day" because I have three boring and/or confusing classes that are separated by breaks long enough to be long, but too short to go home during. (Well, unless I ran...)

My French class is tricky. I can understand about 90-95% of what's being said, but I can't speak french at all like my classmates. They're all like, freaky good. (tres bien?) Follow that with philosophy class in which the teacher will ask: Is this a logically good arguement? to have a student reply: "do we even exist?" and i feel like I've walked into some twilight zone of the ridiculously smart. I'm just going to have to read more...and re-read more.

I have to do laundry somehow today, but I'm really not looking forward to this. It's such a chore. Cleaning up around the apartment is nice, and makes me feel that I've been productive...but laundry is a hassle. Do you think that the dirty homeless look would be good for me? I could fashion some dreds in my's very chic at University, I hear. (Although I'm sure the 'Nishers would disapprove.)

Also: I've gotten so used to the sound of the dehumidifier at night that I had to go empty it so that I could sleep. Go figure.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Classes: Back in the Habit?

So here I am after another day of classes...Monday, which is actually my most full day of the week. I have three classes plus EXEL, which is long and stupid, but provides some interesting tips on how not to fail school.

I had the ever-fascinating Rober again today, this time in normal gear. I heard one of my classmated announce that he looked like he belonged in Dazed and Confused, and if you didn't look at his picture before, I suggest you check out that link now. Today he said "There ees no such-a thing as a free lunch" which is pretty boring in and of itself, but then I looked at the corresponding slide and it said:

"There is no such a thing as a free lunch." Which made me laugh. (If you are not Cam, you'll probably have to read that a few times to catch the hilarity.)

My Poli-Sci prof is a very soft-spoken, kind looking man, although the class is going to be boring, I think, because Morri did a good job.

Speaking of which, I'm in History and the guy is like "History is all about interpretation, and values. Who writes history makes a difference in how it's portrayed." And since I like to expand the notes so that I understand them better I wrote: "See: Winners write history-Morri" Just as I finished writing this, the guy says "you know, winners write history."

I almost died.

That's about it for today...although I should mention that Sundays are soooo boring here...GAY!


Sunday, September 12, 2004

*Exits Frosh Week in a Daze*

I woke up this morning stepping out of the shower around 1:00 AST and discovered that I had, indeed, lived through frosh week.

There was a spot on my wrist that hadn't seen the light of day for quite some time, shinerama tattoos on my arms. There was a toga lying on the floor of my room, along with ketchup covered clothes, ripped concert tickets and some sweatpants that Edward borrowed. (Must remember to wash those.) My skin was softer than usual (maybe something to do with whipped cream in the face?) And two people were randomly sleeping in my living room. Slowly it came back to me..these were my friends and everything was remenants of FROSH WEEK!

I met so many new people, and remembered maybe half of their names. I grabbed a lot of butts...does that follow sexual harassment guidelines? If it's school sanctioned it does. (Playfair! The coolest invention of all time!) I danced...a lot. Sometimes to keep warm, sometimes to show off how damn cool the OC was, and sometimes because SOMEONE grabbed me and yelled "DANCE, dammit!" I drank some beer...well, one bottle...but still. I wore a toga, I went to house parties held by the ever cool Brian and Amanda, OC "house presidents". I cheered...cheered....cheered. I walked home late at night desperately trying to get cheers out of my head. I saw Finger eleven and left early for Wheel Pizza. I saw the Trews and had my jaw dropped at their awesomeness all night. (Note: if you can, see them live) I got pies to the face, prostituted my shoe shining services for CF.

And i was as excited as everyone when the OC crew won best house and therefore a fooseball table. (But who gets it?) I made friends. I learned about the town, where "Liquor Lane" is, where to get free coffee and where to get free internet. I found out where the grocery store is, how the milk tastes and that sometimes juice smells like....well....if you weren't there I can't say.

All in all it was a good week, and I love STFX.
Now, school


Friday, September 10, 2004

Frazer sound familiar to anyone?

Alrighty, so here's the scoop on class life here at X:

I've had one class with more than 30 people, but it wasn't a class, it was the pre-french evaluation test. So overall, tiny wee classes.

My first class was said french test, but it turns out that I'm a freaking genius and have to take French for people who have been in immersion...but really I havne't taken french since grade 9. So there, crazy Dr. Languille. Therefore I have no idea what my french professor is like, but given that it is one Dr. Martinez, I can only imagine.

I also haven't met my poli-sci prof, who is apparently away on vacation...figures.

Economics: There had been a little switch and my professor is now this guy named "Dr. Roberto Martínez Espiñeira." He says to call him "Rober." He talks like Antonio Banderas, which is consistently entertaining. But he is also pretty hilarious, which is good with a subject like economics that can potentially suck. I think I'll like his class. Note: his site is here:

History: I have one Dr. Frazer, who is this really cool looking guy in the style of Mr. Loree. I love him already as this was his statement: I love history, but I don't know dates or people etc. That you can find in a book. I'm all about making connections. (That's pretty much verbatim, too.) Global kids getting deja vu? I sure did. He also has an interesting way of talking that makes me at least pay attention. But he loves his subject so I'm sure I will too.

Philosophy: Dr. Laura Byrne, NOT C. Byrne. She is this breathlessly excited woman who is strict, and long-winded. Her class will be hard, but she really likes philosophy...really REALLY likes it. So that'll be fun.

I also have exel, but that's not happening yet, so there.
AND french 115 has no lab...booyah!

Until next time,

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

What're Ya On About By?

Okay, so I think I've pretty much officially been inducted into Nova Scotia life now. Lat night I was at a party and I was pounding back a Kieth's (ha ha) and hit my tooth on the bottle. And yes, it chipped a tiny little bit off. GAY!.

I'm still froshweeking it up, and classes start tomorrow, but after they're all done and my life is less hectic and more sorted I will write all about how life's been.

And let me tell you, it's been different to say the very least.

I'll leave it at that.


Saturday, September 04, 2004

Of All the Things to Lose....

Well, Here I am in Lovely Antigonish, finally. Here is the situation as it stands right now: I have no phone, no internet and no cable until Wednesday.

Now, I hear you saying..."well Natalie, until Wednesday isn't really that long to wait to talk to your friends from the comfort of your home..."

It seems I have forgotten to give you one crucial piece of information. The CD rom on my laptop seems to have died, or something and it won't read CDs anymore. SOOOO...It'll be at least 5 business days to get that fixed. So, for now it's the Public Access internet at the library for me. I have to book a one hour slot and get all my stuff done in that time. And yes, you are only allowed one hour PER DAY. Meh, it's good enough for me.

Now, If you are wondering what Antigonish is like, never fear! I plan to run a segment once I get my computer back called "Spotlight on..." Where I highlight different places in Antigonish so you can see what the air of the town is like. It's really cool cause it's a small town, and very home-y but it also has these really cool little the Crinden Cafe, which I will spotlight shortly.

My room is huge....way bigger than I thought it would be. Also: My roommate Ashley (NOT hottie nurse) is really nice, and fun and actually quite pretty. So Jesse and Rob...head on over any time-she's excited to meet you!

Anyway, I'm starving, so I'm going to write individual e-mails then go home and EAT!

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Day One: End of Day One

Okay...well. To fully explain my situation right now, I feel that I should begin be saying that I am onther interne on a television in my hotel room, having been forcibly removed from the internet my my mother...what she is doing on there is any of our best guesses.

I'll update on the beginning of my day later, as all that is kept on my laptop which is right now safe in the car. Suffice to say, it was similar to the end of the day.

This aternoon, we finally reached Quebec around *insert really late time here* and this, interestingly enough, coincided witht he time that my mom started making me crazy. (ROB! Where are you when I need you!) For the majority of this fine Francophone province, I sat and was miserable about leaving everyone. (WELL....if you weren't all so darn good at being crazy and fun friends...I'd be alright right now.)

Later, I got lost in Montreal...or, rather, facilitated my mother getting us lost. Then we stopped in this random roadsied hole that was actually pretty cool in its French Authenticity. I enjoyed that part. Now I'm in the Delta Hotel havingmy mother give me a guilt trip because I'd rather jus frive tomorrow and get to my place than flit around old Quebec for a while and arrive late. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.

Anyway, until next time, (a bientot)
Natalie (Nathalie)

P.S. I finally got my legal drink...a cosmopolitain on the rocks from the hotel lounge....didn't get carded though...bah.