Part-time Politician, Part-time Hairdresser.
So...This is the inside of my bathroom...
I know everyone is asking...who is that guy, and WHAT are you and Ashley doing to him...well, it all begins with me doing my homework...
Ashley enters the basement, followed by two random guys who I've never seen before, and I infer that she doesn't know them REALLY well, but well enough. I was intrigued as to why they were there, but not for long.
"***** wants me to give him a mohawk!" exclaimed Ashley excitedly, maybe clapping her hands in excitement, maybe not. The boys all were very nice and reeked of cinnamon. (Ah fireball...liquid courage.)
We escorted ***** into our bathroom, got him a chair, and debated how exactly we were going to shave his head with two razors. His friend, meanwhile, (significantly less drunk) is beginning to be Jimminy Cricket to his friend's Pinocchio; telling him he will regret this later.
We cut all the hair on the side with scissors and then shaved it with razors...Ashley did one side and I did the other. The end product was pretty cool, if I do say so myself. He seemed to be a bit more sober at the end, wondering what his girlfriend was going to say...
AFTERMATH: I hear that he's wearing a hat to school, but is happy to show off the new 'do in res. His girlfriend was NOT happy, as expected. Luckily, I don't know any of these people.
NOTE: This picture was taken during the action...does not represent the full coolness of the finished product.
*****:Name hidden to protect the drunken. Plus I can't remember it.